In her interview, “The blackening” actress Antoinette Robertson gives her thoughts on how the film has a way of bringing up real world issues through the use of comedy and why it was important to use comedy and humor for this film. Check it out.
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Tags: antoinette robertson , antoinette robertson interview , antoinette robertson movies , antoinette robertson news , antoinette robertson reports , antoinette robertson stories , Arts and Entertainment , celebrity interviews , celebrity news , dewayne perkins , grace byers , hollywood interviews , hollywood news , movie events , movie interviews , movie news , movie stories , movie trailer , movie trailer news , sinqua walls , the blackening , the blackening actors , the blackening actresses , the blackening cast , the blackening director , the blackening movie , the blackening news , the blackening reports , the blackening stars , the blackening stories , the blackening trailers , tim story , trailer , trailers , united states , usa , world
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