At the premiere for ‘Booksmart’, Lisa Kudrow talks about co-starring with Will Forte and then taking directions from Olivia Wilde.
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Tags: aa - celebrity wire news, Arts and Entertainment, bb-celebritywire, bb-cwchannel, booksmart, booksmart cast, booksmart clips, booksmart comedy, booksmart movie, booksmart premiere, booksmart previews, booksmart stars, booksmart stories, booksmart story, celebrity interviews, celebrity news, celebrity premieres, celebrity reports, celebrity rumors, Celebrity Wire, celebrity wire entertainment news, comedy, comedy clips, comedy news, entertainment news, hollywood interviews, hollywood news, hollywood reports, hollywood rumors, lisa kudrow, Lisa kudrow interview, Lisa Kudrow news, Lisa kudrow premiere, Lisa kudrow story, movie clips, movie events, movie interviews, movie news, movie previews, movie reviews, movie scenes, movie stories, movies, new movies, olivia wilde, red carpet news, red carpet premieres, red carpet stars, Will Forte